Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Whats with all the Greens?

So most of you have probably noticed it seems every time we make a note in your log we say more green leafy veggies.  So whats up, why are we so concerned about the green leafy veggies?  There are a lot of very easy to see reasons we prefer green veggie matter for your primary carbohydrate intake but the underlying reason (and probably the most important isn't nearly as obvious.  We know greens are a good source of low glycemic carbohydrates.  They are extremely nutrient rich and we can often meet the vitamin/minerals needs of our body with just a couple servings.  Unlike their ugly cousins grains they are low in lectin count and free of gluten, so they present very few anti-nutrient values.  So what don't you know? why do we beg and plead for you to eat more greens?

Aside from all the great reasons to eat greens listed above,  there is one that typically goes unnoticed.  We ask you all to eat large amounts of both protein and fats, this is a good thing right? Of course it is but knowing a little about what chemical reactions are going on may help you understand why you need the greens.  So all this protein and fat have a high acid content,  which combine with stomach acids can cause a pretty high acid level within the stomach or what we refer to as net acid load.  While the short term you may only notice some discomfort having a net acid load can lead to a lot of gastric and intestinal problems.  Leaving this net acid load unchecked can eventually lead to binding of calcium,cholesterol and bile particles with the end result being gull and or kidney stones.  If you have ever had these or known someone who has then you know how painful they can be.  So what does any of this have to do with greens?? Greens are the other side of the equation, greens are alkali (or a base) and they help to quell the acidity of the animal protein and fats we eat.  A little may help to quell some of the discomfort in our digestive system but a lot will ensure that we have a healthy gut and drive us toward wellness.  We should always strive to have a net alkai load meaning that we suffer from none of the effects of those darn acidic foods.   So make sure that you are getting in at least one meal every day that has the equivalent of a forest worth of green leafy vegetable matter....

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