The Lean Up Challenge comes to an end.. but it's just the beginning!!
Alrighty so as I said on the mainpage we are going to keep this page going as
it's not only beneficial for the Lean Up Challenge but for all the athletes @ the gym!
Hopefully it will develop a following and I can justify adding a dedicated nutrition page
that gets daily updates by our awesome crew here!
So let me start by saying congrats to everyone who stepped up to the challenge and tried
to change the direction their health was going with their old nutrition regimen. The change
has only begun!! Just because the challenge is over doesn't mean the challenge is over if you get what I'm saying....
Lessons Learned:
- First and foremost it doesn't matter how many tricks you have in your hat or how hard or much you exercise, you are not going to get the results you are looking for until you clean up your diet... Are there some genetically freakish people that can eat whatever they want and not show the visible effects of it? Absolutely but whats going on inside of their body may be a completely different story.
- Once you get the diet cleaned up the one gram of protein for every pound of body weight has shown to be a sure winner in shedding the pounds... Protein sparks metabolic compliance and causes a thermogenic effect in the body... an effect most people in the fitness industry try to duplicate with supplements.... all you really have to do is eats lots of protein from good lean animal sources.
-Fat is an important factor in sparking weight loss but here is what I can say without question if you are overdoing it you will have body composition changes but won't see it on the scale. Don't over think this, If you are eating a good hunk of animal protein it probably has a pretty good ratio of healthy fats right there with it. What I saw too much of was a rib eye or t bone coupled with an avocado or or nuts or coconut milk. This caused a lot of people to end up around 55% fat intake 35-40% protein with the rest made up in carbs.... Once we got the protein and fat flipped around we saw dramatic weight loss in the athletes. At higher levels of athletic prowess I definitely encourage high high doses of fat but if you haven't gotten to the point of leanness you have your eye set on (or the weight; which in my opinion is irrelevant if you look, feel and perform well) then back the fat off to about 40 % of your caloric intake and you should see it on the scale as well. End run on sentence!!!
-Carb intake..... here is the deal... Get your carbs from green leafy veggies... Period! There is nothing wrong with fruit as a whole, but fructose tends to cause glycogen uptake in the liver first and muscles second.... We want this to be the other way around to optimize performance while still "leaning up". If you have to have fruit try to get it from berries as they tend to be lower in fructose but you should definitely limit it to about 20% of your entire carbohydrate intake for the day. This is also important because we are trying to increase insulin sensitivity and anyone who tells you that you are better off eating an apple than a plate full of spinach is full of shit. Do we even need to talk about grains and legumes? I think this horse has been beaten enough....So what should your shoot for? Honestly I have found for most people running on between 40-70g usable carbs a day works great (thats is a shit load of green leafy veggies folks).
Got Milk? Man this is a tough one for me... I love milk and dairy products but honestly unless you are ultra lean and trying to gain muscle mass you should stay away from the stuff.... Milk is wonderful and I can drink it literally a gallon @ a time. The truth is though "processed" milk has alot of sugar in it, and the more refined you make it(Low-Fat, Skim Milk) the higher it climbs on the Glycemic index. The other reason you might want to stay away from them is they have incredible growth stimulus factors, which is pretty damn counter-productive when you are trying to lean up. I will not deny it is a great and easy source of protein but on a cellular level what is milk but a bi-product of what a cow eats... best case scenario would be that the dairy cows were grass fed... guess what... it's pretty hard to find grass fed raw milk here in Okinawa. So the alternative is grain fed dairy cattle which means all those mean little lectins, and even gluten may be (I say "may be" to give the cows 7 stomachs the benefit of the doubt) making their way into your lucky charms.
Supplements- I will keep this short
Omega-3 from fish oil .. spend the cash and get it from a good reputable source (stay away from Cod Liver oils though as they tend to be problematic for females)
Vitamin D- Get in the sun!!!! If not get a gelcap form of Vit-D 5000 iu's should do the trick
Magnesium- It will help you get better quality rest. You can kill two birds with one stone (zinc) by getting a ZMA supplement.
What's left? Well the last thing I am going to tell you is get some rest... turn off the TV an hour earlier and get some good quality sleep! If you are not resting chances are your cortisol levels are elevated. Low cortisol and insulin sensitivity are the two most important factors in weight loss. Get them under control ..I cannot express how important it is to get adequate rest. One other note on that .. If you have not taken a break from CrossFit and have been going 3 on 1 off for a substantial amount of time ... you might want to give your body a chance to recover .. take a week and just stretch, get a massage allow your adrenal system to recover.
Key notes:
-1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight (50% of your caloric intake)
-Good medium and long chain tryglycerides from animal fats, nuts and pseudo nuts (40% of your caloric intake)
-Lots of green leafy veggies to the tune of 40-70 grams a day (10% of your caloric intake)
-Supplements that are essential for health not corny supplements that are supposed give you magical performance
-Rest, Rest,Rest!!!!!
I would not expect your numbers to work out to be like this every single day this is just a ball park percentage of what we have seen work time and time again! We prescribe to paleolithic eating and that means some times we feast some time its famine our bodies are amazing machine build for this type of adaptation, don't get sucked into a monochromatic menu that always fits these percentages... the body thrives on diversity!
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